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Mrs A & her Daughter's Birth
January 2016

I contacted Charlotte about hypnobirthing for my second child. This was because I had such a traumatic first birth which ended in an emergency c-section despite an extremely long labour and lots of medical intervention. I was determined to birth naturally and knew a good state of mind would help me to achieve this. 


The sessions were very relaxing, I almost fell asleep in a few and my husband benefited too. I learnt about the breathing exercises and listened to the CD every time to help me sleep. Unfortunately I was told the baby wasn't growing well due to problems with my placenta, and I had 2 weekly growth scans and blood pressure checks every few days. I feel the hypnobirthing affirmations helped me deal with the extra things that were happening during my pregnancy, and I did not feel anxious when i was told i had to be induced at 36 weeks. I had a strange sense of calm, all to do with the positive thinking I had been practising. 


I did not want an induction as had heard this was more uncomfortable, and I would be connected to monitoring at all times and not be able to move. My previous section put me at greater risk too of a repeat caesarean section, and of complications arising. I was ready though; my induction was quick and I breathed through each surge until it eased off. I had no analgesia, not even gas & air even when they increased the medication to make the surges stronger and stronger. It was so empowering, I couldn't believe how effective breathing could help me to bring my daughter into this world alone.


I cannot thank Charlotte enough for the support she gave me. This positive birth experience healed me from my difficult first birth and I feel so proud that I could do this. 


If your'e thinking about hypnobirthing, just do it. It can only help!

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