Adila & Baby Hishaam's Birth
November 2016
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Our amazing birth story!
When I first found out I was expecting our baby my greatest fears returned of having a repeat fourth degree tear. Although this should have been a distant memory after 16 years it felt like only yesterday.
My midwife was aware of my fears and anxieties and suggested hypnobirthing. Hypnobirthing was something I had never heard about but the more I found out the more I liked it. I liked the words that were associated with it like choice, empowerment, control; all the things that I never really had 19 and 16 years ago with my previous children.
I booked to attend the course with my husband and learned some fantastic techniques. We also learnt about how birth had moved on and Charlotte taught us that birth doesn't have to be a medicalised experience, but with information to empower us, birth can be a very individual and unique experience. I felt in control, and as the time grew closer to the birth I practised and listen to my CD and positive affirmations everyday, sometimes more than once. My pregnancy was labelled as 'high risk' due to my previous tear and my age, and every appointment at the hospital was with a different Obstetrician, and everyone had different schools of thought. At one point I was advised of some facts that related to my age which worried me. I was able to contact Charlotte who gave me support and guidance to find the research relating to what the Consultants were saying, and I felt better informed which helped me to make my own decisions.
The Consultant Obstetrician was keen to deliver my baby by caesarean due to my age but I also developed a condition meaning that I was holding too much water, which may have put baby at risk as soon as my waters went. I insisted on letting nature take its course as I was well informed and had read the research. Baby decided to stay breach up until 38 weeks but I was able to turn my breech baby with the advice and techniques that Charlotte shared with me. At 39 weeks the consultant booked me for a induction, although this did not go as planned and had to be stopped. I realised that it was best to let things take a natural course, and I knew that baby would arrive when baby was ready.
When labour began my surges had been close and strong, however I persevered, and with every surge I visualised. My waters broke at this stage and I was in complete control just as I wanted and just as I had planned. I played my hypnobirthing CD in the background as I asserted myself to every surge. My husband was very supportive, and knew exactly what to do to help me from what he had learned in the hypnobirthing course. I refused to lay on my back even to be monitored as previously I had a serious tear and I felt that this position may not have helped. A few hours later with some pain relief and gas and air, our baby decided to join us in the world!
After such a big gap since the births of my two other children, and not such good experiences I can only express how brilliant and empowering it felt to be in control, and to have the confidence to do things our way. I may not have got a birthing pool due to some risks but I hypnobirthed and had a baby.
I contacted Charlotte on numerous occasions towards the end of my pregnancy and she was absolutely fantastic. I was given information that was current and relevant, and I not only found the course really good but the ongoing support from Charlotte was fantastic. Thank you so much.